September 20, 2022
Santa Ana, CA
Autonomous Medical Devices Incorporated (AMDI) announced today that it will be presenting data on its Q-NAb™ Test at the 28th AACC International CPOCT Symposium: Meeting Evolving Patient Needs Using Point-of-Care Testing in Montreal September 21-23, 2022. The poster presentation is titled "Ultra-fast Quantitative Detection of Neutralizing Activity Against Multiple SARS-CoV-2 Variants"
"Today, measurement of the neutralizing antibody response to COVID-19 vaccines requires live virus testing in a BSL-3 laboratory. We are excited to show data demonstrating that the new Autolab-20TM and Q-NAb Test can quantitate the levels of neutralizing antibodies against all known strains of SARS-CoV-2 and are highly correlated with neutralization as measured by a live virus assay." said Dr. Sasha Perebikovsky, VP of Immunochemistry Systems.
"AMDI is proud to present performance data on its first product, the Q-NAb test. The ability to routinely measure quantitative neutralization activity in a sample has important research utility and may be important in patient management. We are preparing to launch the Q-NAb Test as an RUO in 2023 as we gather additional information needed to seek authorization of the Q-NAb test as a diagnostic product" explained David Okrongly, CEO of AMDI.
AMDI Media Contact:
Brian Miller